Dealing with date and time in modern PHP

Attention: Les informations de ce billet sont susceptibles d'être obsolètes car vieux de plus 2 ans.

Warning: The information you are reading may be obsolete, this post was published more than 2 years ago.

Any PHP application has to deal at some point with date and time and there are so many ways to get it wrong in PHP that I thought I would give some tips on how to properly handle them in modern PHP. My post will assume that you are using the currently stable release of PHP, which is at the time of writing PHP 5.6. That being said I’ll indicate for each advice the minimum PHP version required to start using it.

Configuring your PHP environment

You should always make sure you control your application timezone settings. To do so, since PHP 5.1, you can use the date_default_timezone_set function. Of note, since PHP5.3, if you do not properly set the timezone of your application an E_WARNING alert will be throw.

Of course, you can always at any given time retrieve your current setting with the date_default_timezone_get function.

//ideally in your application bootstrap before anything else
echo date_default_timezone_get(); //displays 'Africa/Kinshasa'

If there’s one thing to take away from this post is that not knowing or incorrectly setting your environment will always result on unexpected bugs no matter what you do.

NB: This is a good time to also check that your back-end (database, filesystem, …) is also correctly set to further avoid bugs when saving/retrieving data from it

PHP Internal solutions

Prior to PHP 5.2, the language dealt with date and time using at least 4 functions.

Since then, PHP has mature and offers a complete set of classes to properly deal with date and time. Once you’ll start using them you will never want to use the older mechanism again. Here’s the complete list of classes and the PHP version they were introduced in:

With these 5 classes anything can be done around dates, time and time ranges. Since this post is about tips, you should refer to the PHP Documentation website to understand how they work.

To be fair, you will mostly work with the DateTime class. But knowing how and when to use the other classes is as fundamental as you will most likely need them at some point in your development. You should keep in mind the following tips:

  • There is no __toString method attached to any of these classes.
  • For modifying methods DateTime uses a fluent interface since PHP 5.3.
  • When creating a new DateTime object if no DateTimeZone is specified, the object will fallback to the timezone specified by date_default_timezone_set.
$dt1 = new DateTime('2014-10-12 14:23:13');
$dt2 = new DateTime('2014-10-12 14:23:13', new DateTimeZone('Africa/Nairobi'));
echo $dt1->format(DateTime::W3C), PHP_EOL; //2014-10-12T14:23:13+01:00
echo $dt2->format(DateTime::W3C), PHP_EOL; //2014-10-12T14:23:13+03:00
  • You can compare two DateTime objects directly using standard comparison.
$dt1 = new DateTime('-1 HOUR'); 
$dt2 = new DateTime('+3 DAYS'); 
if ($dt1 > $dt2) {
    echo 'dt1 is greater than dt2', PHP_EOL;
} elseif ($dt1 < $dt2) {
    echo 'dt1 is less than dt2', PHP_EOL;
} else {
    echo 'dt1 equals dt2', PHP_EOL;
  • The difference between two DateTime objects is expressed as a DateInterval object.
$dt1 = new DateTime('-1 HOUR');
$dt2 = new DateTime('NOW', new DateTimeZone('Africa/Nairobi'));
$diff = $dt1->diff($dt2); //$diff is a DateInterval object
echo $diff->h; //display '1'

Since PHP 5.5 DateTime and DateTimeImmutable implements the same DateTimeInterface interface and exposed the same methods. You can compare, and expressed the difference between objects of both class like previously shown.

The main difference between both classes is that DateTimeImmutable is a immutable value object. This means that for all modifying methods a DateTimeImmutable object always returns a new modified copy of itself while a DateTime object modifies itself.

$dt = new DateTime();
$dtim = new DateTimeImmutable();
$dtim == $dt; //returns true
$dt->add(new DateInterval('PT1H')) //adding a 1 hour interval
    ->sub(new DateInterval('P3D')); //removing an interval of 3 days
$newDtim = $dtim->add(new DateInterval('PT1H'))
            ->sub(new DateInterval('P3D'));
$newDtim == $dt; //returns true
$dtim == $dt; //returns false because $dt has changed NOT $dtim

For time ranges you can use the DatePeriod class. It generates DateTime objects contained within a specific time range at a given interval.

  • When creating a DatePeriod with an end datetime, the latter is excluded from the generated time range.
$end = new DateTime('+4 DAYS');
$period = new DatePeriod(
    new DateTime('TODAY'),
    new DateInterval('P1D'),
$res = iterator_to_array($period, false);
echo count($res); //returns 5;
array_pop($res) != $end; // returns true;
  • Alternatively, you can create a DatePeriod class using recurrences not occurences to indicate the number of DateTime objects to be generated.
$period = new DatePeriod(
    new DateTime(),
    new DateInterval('P1D'),
    3 //recurrences

echo count(iterator_to_array($period, false)); //return 4;

Open source solutions

I have to admit, sometimes, working with the above classes can be tricky. This is where the PHP Open Source Community comes handy. So instead of trying to reinvent the wheels here’s two classes to help you with date and time in PHP.


Carbon from @NesbittBrian supercharges the DateTime object with many useful methods and/or properties. The class requires PHP 5.3

This class extends PHP internal DateTime class. Which means that anywhere the DateTime object is required you can safely substitute it with a Carbon instance and gain many useful getter and setter methods to truly ease DateTime usage.

For example, Carbon implements the __toString method and provide a simple mean to access each part of your DateTime object with intuitive getters properties. More information can be found on the github homepage.


Period, is a package that I’ve created and maintained as a php league package. The package contains the Period class which deals with time range. The class requires PHP 5.3

This class handles time range in a uniform and predicable way. Just like Carbon the class comes with many useful named constructors and can be used with Carbon objects. The class compares and modifies time range easily by being an immutable value object just like the DateTimeImmutable object.

Of course, as both classes are open sourced on Github, Carbon and Period are easily available using composer and you are welcome to contribute to their respective code source to improve them.


Dealing with date/time in PHP has evolved a great deal since PHP5 has been around and it has never been much easier. So when adding date and time capabilities in your next project, remember to use the correct class and/or to look into the open source community effort to further improve your code.


2 thoughts on “Dealing with date and time in modern PHP

    • I understand your concern but that’s because version number and PHP requirements have since been upgraded. Version 2.0 did require PHP 5.3 but as of now the latest stable version version 2.5.1 requires PHP 5.4. Since PHP 5.3 is EOL and PHP 5.4 will be EOL in September a new version 3.0 is schedule to be release later this year and will require PHP 5.5.9. The simplest way to follow/meet the requirements its to use composer to install the package. Composer will select and install the best version according to your PHP environment.

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