A class to generate URI Template in PHP

Attention: Les informations de ce billet sont susceptibles d'être obsolètes car vieux de plus 2 ans.

Warning: The information you are reading may be obsolete, this post was published more than 2 years ago.

Ever since I released the League\Uri package I always wanted to add an URI template class in it. But I never felt having to write one because I never used the URI template feature myself and the only time I had to do it I used the implementation that came bundle with the Guzzle library. It turns out that Guzzle's maintainers have decided to drop their own implementation for the next Guzzle major release which is in beta release as of this writing. And since I was in need of such feature I finally got around to add the functionality to the League\Uri library.
In this post I would like to introduce the League\Uri\UriTemplate, the main new feature of League\Uri 6.1.

For starter, like most of the other classes included in the library the League\Uri\UriTemplate follows a known RFC which is RFC6750. This RFC describes how to interpolate and expand a template so that its result is a fully compliant URI as described in RFC3986.

Using the template

While the core expansion logic is based on the Guzzle 6.5 implementation, its public facing API is a combination of the main Python and Java implementations.

The advantage of this public API versus the one that was used in the Guzzle implementation is that with one object you can create an infinite number of URI instance by just changing your variables on each UriTemplate::expand calls. The template is parsed only once on instantiation.

Using the variables

Another nit trick is that you can define default variables on the constructor

In the example above, the version variable is applied without you having to fill it in the when calling the expand method. Keep in mind, that to give you more flexibility the default variables can still be overwritten if the same variables are used with the expand method.


To enable better interoperability with other implementations in other languages, the class was design using an independent URI template test suite for expansion conformance. So while updating the implementation I made sure to always pass this independent test.

In order to do so, under the hood, the class does lots of validations on instantiation and when using the expand method to make sure:

  • the template syntax is conformed to the RFC;
  • the variable syntax is not forbidden by the RFC;
  • the resulting expansion produces an RFC compliant URI instance;

Some optimisations are also introduced to lazy cache template expansion in case no variable and/or no expression are presents.


If you already worked with URI Template in PHP you probably came across the rize/uri-template library. The main differences between both implementations apart from the public API are that the latter offers features that are not covered by the RFC, and thus, are not present in this class. Namely an extraction feature which returns the possible variables used in a valid URI and an extension to add the ability to expand URI using http_build_query type parameters.

Final note

The League/Uri is an open source project with a MIT License so contributions are more than welcome and will be fully credited. These contributions can be anything from reporting an issue, requesting or
adding missing features or simply improving or correcting some typo on the documentation website.

And if you appreciate the work and the effort put in the library you can also sponsor me to enable me to continue to fix and improve the library.

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